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Weather in Egypt in March
The weather in Egypt in March can vary like the UK and still be like winter weather still or be on the change and much warmer. Winter weather here being 22 degrees and sunny all day, summer being somewhere in the 30’s and very hot at mid day. In general March is very pleasant and a good month to visit Egypt and our villa in Siwa though you can get the odd windy day around this time of year. The hottest hours of the day are from midday to around 3.00pm. It’s T shirt weather at this time and yet not too hot to require you coming out of the sun. You don’t need to siesta and retire from the sun in March, you can carry on roly poly down the big dunes in the Great Sand Sea and not get too hot or worry about getting sun burnt. March can be nice in parts of Europe especially southern Spain but it can still be the rainy season and booking a holiday to anywhere in Europe at this time of year is a risk unless your going skiing of course. Weather in Egypt in March is pretty much guaranteed to be warm and sunny every day, no need for coats and waterproof, just a T shirt and scarf or light jacket for the evenings that can still be cool, but never cold.
Weather in Siwa in March
See our six day, live weather forecast for Siwa on the ‘Weather in Egypt’ page
Weather in Siwa Siwa in March is perfect during the day around 25 degrees and it never rains here. The temperature drops after sunset and you will still need a fleece on if your not sitting around a fire. The days are always sunny and within an hour of the sun rising it is T shirt weather outside yet not hot and stifling unless there is still some winter weather being brought down from Europe on the northern winds making it cool until around 10.00 or 11.00am. A perfect English summers day is the best way to describe the weather in Siwa in March. If you like the sound of guaranteed 25 [custom_button style=’light’ size=’large’ bg_color=’#006633′ text_color=’#FFFFFF’ align=’right’ text=’All inclusive holidays to Egypt’ title=’All inclusive tours to Siwa and Egypt’ url=’/egypt/all-inclusive-holidays-to-egypt’] degrees and sunny, have a look at our tours that are suited to the month of March in our all inclusive holidays to Egypt A good web site to check for weather forecasts for Siwa and other places in Egypt in March is www.weather.com.
Most days are warm and sunny and a bit cold at night still needing a fleece and long trousers. It does rain in Alexandria but is normally T shift/sweat shirt weather for most of March. It depends on the weather in Europe. If there is still a large cold front covering europe and it moves south across the Mediterranean the temperature in Alex can still be 20 degrees during the day but it rarely gets cooler than this in March. It can rain and March is known for the rain… Egyptian style, but enough of it falls for small farms to grow their fig trees so be prepared to experience an hour of rain if your staying in Alexandria in March for a longer period of time than a few days.
Average temperature during the day in March is 23-25 degrees and a low of 10 to 12 degrees at night.
Weather in Alexandria in March
See our six day, live weather forecast for Alexandria on the ‘Weather in Egypt’ page
Weather in Alexandria Most days are warm and sunny and a bit cold at night still needing a fleece and long trousers. It does rain in Alexandria but is normally T shift/sweat shirt weather for most of March. It depends on the weather in Europe. If there is still a large cold front covering europe and it moves south across the Mediterranean the temperature in Alex can still be 20 degrees during the day but it rarely gets cooler than this in March. It can rain and March is known for the rain… Egyptian style, but enough of it falls for small farms to grow their fig trees so be prepared to experience an hour of rain if your staying in Alexandria in March for a longer period of time than a few days.
Average temperature during the day in March is 21 degrees and a low of 11 degrees at night
Weather in Cairo in March
See our six day, live weather forecast for Cairo on the ‘Weather in Egypt’ page
Weather in Cairo Temperatures here are similar to Siwa but it does rain here and can still be cloudy in March and require a fleece or jumper in the evenings. As the weather is getting warmer it is a good time to go to the Pyramids early in the morning and ride out into the desert on horses before entering the Pyramids and riding up to them without another group in site. Walking around the markets of Cairo or the Egyptian Muslim during the day is pleasant in March and not too hot. You still don’t need to apply any sun cream or where a sun hat unless you have small children with you.
Average temperature during the day in March is 24 degrees and a low of 11 degrees at night.
Weather in Marsa Matruh in March
See our six day, live weather forecast for Marsa Matruh on the ‘Weather in Egypt’ page
Weather in Marsa Matruh The sea is beginning to get warmer in March, it’s still a bit cold to swim in for more than a token five minute dip. During the heat of the day it can get quite warm if you are away from the sea front. It does occasionally rain in Marsa Matruh in March, local farmers rely on rain fall to water their figs in the orchards that line the coast from Marsa Matruh to Sollum on the Libyan border. I would bother packing any water proof clothing as it doesn’t rain for long. March is the month when if there is going to be a storm in Marsa Matruh, it will be now. On average there is probably one or two ‘storms’ in Matruh, if it was England, you would come home and not even mention the weather, in Martuh a heavy rain can bring the town to a halt but as I say it’s once or twice a year and so if your just passing through in March you should expect sunny weather and no rain.
Average temperatures during the day is 20 degrees and 10 degrees at night.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]