Village Life – Egyptian Style

Its 3.44 am. One of the many roosters out there crowing sounded just like Claudia crying and so triggered an adrenalin rush to my head and… so here I am wide awake. It has taken around a week for my brain to get used to the usual pattern. The roosters kick in around about 3.00am, […]

Sasha in Oludeniz – Turkey

Hi Guys, Is it raining or getting cold yet if so im sorry cos the heat is unbearably hot. Were in Ölüdeniz in Turkey were there are paragliding, scuba diving boat trips and sunny beach oppotunities. been with the Murrays,Walters,Shipmans and the Jones, Were having a ball but we have not been paragliding or scuba […]

You thought buying a house in the UK was stressful

It’s 5.32am… I am sitting in the living area and have decided to write what it going through my head. We arrived in Turkey last night around 6.00pm and drove until it got dark. We are parked up in a truckers stop in the middle of nowhere. It’s a clear night out there and there […]

1 bus, 2 months in, 5 people… what's it like?

We are nearing the end of the first stage of our travels. Once we have completed the legals and bought the land in Brasov, we will move on down to southern turkey as quickly as we can to join up with a few families from St Albans that will be there for Oct half term. […]

Upate from Sasha in Egypt

Hi guys in Egypt were it is stinking hot, the water is dirty, the streets are dirty and the people hassle you until you buy something in there shop. Egypt is so cool the pyramids, tombs and the camels. The Pyramids Kate and her little sister Sophie rode on a camel to the pyramids while […]

Turkey and Cario

I’m sitting in the bar of the Windsor Hotel, down town Cairo. Did you see the Michael Payline ‘Around the World in Eighty Days’ when he goes to Cairo… that’s the place. It used to be the British Officers club and I think the seat upholstery I’m sitting on… is original. Every one has gone […]

Greece, Bulgaria, Romania

The short version is, we are all well, having fun and are buying some land in Romania. I haven’t had time to do any writing for a while so I’m afraid this update is bit long. Here’s the longer version. Greece We went to the Sithonian peninsular near Thessaloniki to have a bit of a […]

Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia

We decided in the end not to pursue buying a ski chalet in Bosnia. The people there are beautiful but the carnage that is left over from the war is still too much to be able to go there and completly chill for two weeks. Sasha is doing a project on the Bosnia war and […]

Update from Sasha

Hi guys The first three days we booted through France Germany Slovenia and Austria sleeping in gas stations and on the side of the road which was not funny when we had lorry drivers tooting there horn at 3 in the morning. We then chilled in Croatia for a week snorkeling and hanging out with […]

Croatia, Montenegro, Albania, Macedonia

Croatia is different. It is Europe, a very nice part of Europe. The hospitality is not as forthcoming here, but as there are many tourists on the coast now, I guess this is to be expected. The island of Vis is our third somewheredifferent destination. It is the furthest island off the coast and I […]

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